Budget Films

Stock Footage

Our ARCHIVAL stock footage collection dates from the turn of the century and contains: slapstick comedies, b-movies, newsreels, documentaries, vintage educational and industrial, ethnographic, cartoon and animation, science fiction and horror, sports, westerns, romance, drama, and tons of other weird stuff we can't categorize.

Our CONTEMPORARY stock footage collection contains Hi Def: travel, nature and beauty footage all over the world, time-lapse, news footage, medicine, lifestyle, high tech footage, and more.

Our RESEARCH AND CLEARANCE SERVICE reaches outside of our own holdings and works with private film collectors and other footage providers to locate and license cleared and fully indemnified materials, at a reasonable rate

Budget Films, Inc. was established in Hollywood by film collector Albert Drebin in 1962. Al passed away in 2007 and the library is now run by his daughter Layne Murphy.

We are proud to continue the excellent tradition of small family run businesses and we'll treat you like you're one of us