
Remote Production Satellite Internet

What We Offer

High reliability temporary Internet using satellite bandwidth from remote locations. High end commercials, film productions and corporate clients all use the service in interesting and challenging places.


Having traveled the world as a network news cameraman before adding satellite transmission to my production capabilities, I learned a lot about moving fast, traveling light, getting material on the air, on deadline, on budget and flawlessly. It was required every single day.


Solving hard technical changes lights us up. Almost every aspect of satellite transmission is mission critical to a project. Carefully defining and understanding 'wants' and 'needs' is essential.

Talk To Us

Call or email to discuss a location connectivity project that is too important to fail.

Published Articles

High Bandwidth at High Altitude

The Aspen trees turn the color of rust under deep blue sky. I see my workspace for the next week – a 1960’s era trailer previously perched on the property – in which I move like a spider crab into a found shell and behind which I set up my satellite uplink. At 8300 feet, the oxygen content is 75% of sea level, and breathing is a little more strained than usual in unpacking my kit. The plateau looking toward Utah is home to unfathomable numbers of elk, caribou, deer and dinosaur bones. The brilli

I had been preparing for the future, and I didn't know it.

I was on a large TV production set in South Africa in March when the order to shutdown for the Covid-19 pandemic went out. We were providing the largest satellite internet connection to a field location ever arranged -- a month of daily broadcast file deliveries and 24/7 connectivity for a Hollywood studio.
• Typical web based speed test showing substantial satellite internet throughput. The outbound was intentionally favored for file transfers.

Though we closed down early, we proved that the n

Sports and special event satellite transmission services using native IP and traditional transmission techniques - notes from the front lines

Things are changing fast in the world of TV sports coverage, live event production, news coverage and big feature TV and film production, and I’d like to share some observations and dispel some assumptions about methods and costs involved with bringing robust IP bandwidth to far-flung places. This is a topic of great interest to me as I have been specializing in live TV and remote bandwidth via satellite extensively and exclusively for many years.

The last 8 weeks were particularly remarkable b

Covering events - engineer's notebook

I do love it when the phone rings.

This time it was my good friends and colleagues at Cactus Films in Mexico City.

I had gone down to help with some coverage of the Mexican Presidential election, and they were back looking for some more live TV coverage on December 1, the day of the inauguration. They needed to do several live shots for a big foreign news client who wanted to use cellular bonding box connectivity - a LiveU unit. One big hitch to the plan was the number of people taking the day

When you work at this level, there’s no ordinary venue.

Things sometimes happen in beautiful but remote places.

Providing satellite broadband where there is no other connectivity, where it’s unreliable, where it isn’t working, or where it’s artificially expensive has been a niche I have been 'playing in' almost exclusively for the last few years. This I do using a system developed to push performance 10X beyond what’s considered ‘acceptable’, while cutting costs substantially relative to the usual way of doing things – a combination that usually get


What do you charge?

Every satellite internet project is unique.

Budgeted items typically include:

  1. Location kit (satellite uplink, modem package, etc)
  2. Satellite airtime 
  3. Satellite hub service
  4. Labor
  5. Travel

Satellite bandwidth is leased by the hour, day or week with unlimited access scaling to the bandwidth required. It's un-metered with no limits or caps or throughput.

I support news events, productions and special projects. This isn't residential service.

Please contact for specific pricing.

Where are you based?

I'm in Southern California with easy access by vehicle to Los Angeles movie ranches, Malibu canyons, the Mojave desert region, San Diego, San Francisco, Utah, Nevada and points north and east.

I also have uplink equipment based in Rhode Island servicing NY and New England.

Flyaway operations typically book out of LAX, SBA or BUR airports with kit shipped as excess baggage worldwide.

Who uses your services?

I am frequently contacted by production managers, location managers and producers looking to facilitate internet connectivity for remote productions on location. Recent projects include major media networks, commercial production companies, NY and LA based creative agencies, national TV networks.

Major market segments:

  1. Camera Productions - Commercials, Fashion, Motion Picture
  2. Corporate Events - A/V Staging, PR, Press, C suite support, WiFi
  3. Disaster Recovery - IT, Government, Corporate
  4. News Coverage - Broadcasters and new media
  5. Web Streaming (high reliability and high bandwidth)