Posted on Monday, June 29, 2009

411 Publishing/PGA Webinar

On Wednesday, June 24th, 411 Publishing and the PGA held the first in a series of webinars focusing on production incentives.

Incetives 101: What Every Producer Needs to Know to Maximize Production Incentives was an hour-long free webinar that provided an overview of what production incentives are, how to get them, how to manage them, and how to make the most of what is available.  The presentation was lead by Joe Chianese, Entertainment Partners' VP of Business Development, and John Hadity, President and CEO of Hadity & Associates, Inc.  Sean Killebrew, Publisher of 411 Publishing, provided opening and closing remarks.

In addition to a lively discussion and question and answer session, Joe also provided a visual prersentation that includes examples of state incentive breakdowns, commonly used terms, and a list of the "Top 10 things to do to avoid making production incentive mistakes."

The next production incentive webinar will take place in early fall. Information pertaining to the next webinar will be released soon.

The following link will allow you to view the entire hour long presentation for free at any time within the next year.  Additionally, this link will live on the 411 Publishing and PGA websites To view the webinar, please click: