Heffernan Insurance Brokers / InsureMyEquipment.com

Heffernan Insurance Brokers / InsureMyEquipment.com
Online insurance for the film, entertainment and music industry. We offer short term or annual policies to cover your equipment, rentals and liability.

nsuremyequipment.com and its affiliated websites insuremyrentals.com and insuremyliabilityonline.com are part of the Internet Business Division of Heffernan Insurance Brokers.

These websites are designed to be easy and efficient: you can use any browser on a smartphone to buy insurance in minutes! Applicants are only required to enter information once: return customers do not have to re-enter data, saving valuable time when you need a quick quote. The dashboard feature allows users to see current policies and quotes, as well as access policy documents and previous policies. Security of all information is assured!

InsureMyEquipment.com was launched in 2009 and provides clients the leverage to obtain comprehensive coverage at highly competitive premiums.

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811 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1801
Los Angeles, California 90017
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