MoonCity Scripts

MoonCity Scripts
With over 30 years of combined experience writing, producing and editing, we at MoonCity understand what writers and editors need in order to find the best material quickly and efficiently. In addition to traditional word-for-word transcribing, we are also assigning time code references to subtleties including facial expressions, body language, “off camera” conversations, and other visuals that are not always apparent by reading words only. Our transcripts are designed with the writers and editors in mind, as they are always looking for those additional moments to emphasize a point, move a story forward, or to showcase and further develop a character. It is this inside knowledge of the process and extra attention to detail that makes us the best in the business.

Our Services:
Television Transcriptions
As Broadcast Transcripts (ABS) for deliverables
Overnight Show Builds for deliverables
CCSL/CCDL for scripted
ScriptSync formatting at no additional charge

As production budgets shrink, it becomes harder to "put your green on the screen". Our rates allow you to save between $5,000 and $10,000 per series. So, when you realize you need to add more edit weeks, you can pay for them with the money you saved on your transcriptions! Our rates are some of the lowest in the industry and all of our transcribers are US based and English is their first language. We will never "farm out" transcripts to a foreign country.

We pride ourselves on providing the most accurate transcripts on the market. Fast, efficient, and affordable. Call or email us at for our rates.

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Yukon, Oklahoma
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