Booms, Cranes & Camera Support
Impact Listings
Camera Control, Inc.
Santa Monica, CA
There are a lot of names in Booms, Cranes & Camera Support, but the only one you should start with is Camera Control, Inc.. For those in the Los Angeles area and beyond, check us out in person or…
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Chase Car Inc.
Valencia, CA
Chase Car Inc. provides professional drivers with a helpful attitude along with state of the art equipment. Please call us to help you with your next project.
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Cranium, Inc.
Kagel Canyon, CA
TELESCOPING CRANES (Technocranes) 10’ Scorpiocrane, 17ft Moviebird, 24ft Moviebird, 30ft Moviebird, 30ft Technocrane, 45ft Moviebird, 50ft Technocrane, 50’ Moviebird, 60ft Moviebird FIXED ARM…
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